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What We Believe

‘The community of Christ at the heart of the community’

We believe that we are called to live our Christian faith within the midst of this community and in the midst of this world, transforming it in love while we ourselves are transformed.

We believe that our lives, including our time, talents and resources are gifts given to us by God and we are called to use them with grace and wisdom.

We believe that joining together in worship and fellowship strengthens the bonds of love between us and follows Christ’s example of offering and receiving hospitality.

We believe that the Christian love that unites us is strong enough and humble enough to encompass a wide variety of theological, ecclesiastical, social and political views.

We believe that God has called us to heed the promptings of the Spirit of Holiness to create a community of grace within this community, one that will shine like a beacon of hope and light on the shores of the Firth of Forth.

‘Faith, hope and love abide, and the greatest of these is love.’

What to Expect

We are looking forward to welcoming you to worship with us!

Each Sunday we offer 3 different periods of worship and you are welcome to join any (or all!) of them.  

9.30am Quiet and Reflective

10.30am Interactive and Intergenerational

11.15am Traditional Worship


You can join the 10.30 and the 11.15am service via Zoom or watch it on YouTube. 

A café serving tea and coffee runs throughout the morning from 9.30am - 12 noon in the Main Hall.  This offers a warm space to socialise with other members of our church family.


Zoom link


YouTube link


Building Map


If you wish to keep your infant/toddler with you in worship.

What to Expect


Rev Dr Stewart Weaver

        I grew up in Williamsville, New York (near Niagara Falls) and attended Williamsville South High School.  After I gained a BA in History from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts I held a variety of posts under the auspices of the national church: I worked with the homeless in Portland, Oregon for a year; I taught in China for two years; and I then worked with refugees in Buffalo.  I moved to the UK in 1991 to be with my British fiancée whom I met in China.  After working at Hewlett Packard in Bristol for a year, we travelled to Edinburgh.  After gaining a First in a Hebrew/Old Testament BD I did a PhD on Second Isaiah.  I was ordained and inducted into St. Philip’s in 2003 and we became Portobello and Joppa Parish Church after a three way union in 2014.


Michelle Brown
Family Worker

I oversee family ministry at PJPC.  I lead our volunteers for Messy Church, Crèche, Sunday Stars, Godly Play, Breakfast Club (youth group), Young Adults Group and Portobello Holiday Club. I also run a family coffee morning called Coffee Break.  I grew up in New Jersey, United States and previously worked for the Presbyterian Church USA and at Presbyterian summer camps.  I moved to Scotland in 2005 to study at New College, University of Edinburgh where I completed an MTh in Theological Ethics: Media. My husband Paul and I are members at Portobello and Joppa Parish Church, along with our two young children.  I love reading, photography, movies, coffee, working with children and young people, and I feel blessed to be part of the PJPC family!


Anne Russell
Church Administrator

        I have been the Church Administrator for over 10 years and have met many interesting people and made a lot of great friends.  I was born and brought up in Joppa – baptised and married in PJPC!  I have been married to Gary for 30 years and we have two wonderful grown up sons, Chris & Matt.  I am a keen member of the PJPC Hill Walking Group with whom I have climbed around 60 Munros.  This also gives me a chance to practise my photography; another of my hobbies.  There is nothing more spectacular than the views from the top of a Munro…when it’s not shrouded in rain and mist!


Derek Drummond
Church Caretaker

        I was originally born and bred in Edinburgh.  I stayed in New York for two and half years when I was young, but came back to the UK and have made my home here ever since.  I ran my own business for 17 years doing floor sanding.  I worked for Joe Finlay the butcher in Portobello High Street for six years.  I was trained as a butcher in my dad’s business and was also trained as a chef.  I came to work at Portobello and Joppa Parish church in 2014.  I enjoy what I do and love the environment I get to work in.

Mobile: 07971299220

Fiona Carlile
Music Minister

        I was brought up in Glasgow and attended Jordanhill Church, where I sang in the choir and also received organ lessons from the church organist Alan Tavener.  I still go to Glasgow to have lessons with him, 35 years later! After graduating from Surrey University with a BMus, I worked in a classical record company in London and later trained as a nurse at King’s College Hospital. During that time I sang in the choir at Crown Court Church of Scotland.

In 2013 I gained a diploma in Sacred Music Studies from the Royal School of Church Music and Bangor University.

I have been working in the Intensive Care Unit at the Western General Hospital since 1991, was the music co-ordinator at PJPC (formerly St. Philip’s Church) from 1999, and also play the piano for Eurythmy classes at the Edinburgh Steiner School.

My husband and I have lived in Edinburgh for 25 years.  Our daughters are former members of the PJPC Breakfast Club, one a graduate of Edinburgh University and the other still studying there.


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